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Playlist: Strike the Root Remixes

Strike the Root Remixes
created by Snowflake Sunday, April 10, 2011 @ 10:58 AM
Here are the remixes for the Strike the Root Remix project.

The ccMixter community has been invited by Dr. Larwrence Lessig, founder of ccMixter, to remix him with the Strike the Root Remix Project. Dr. Lessig is about to launch the site — a place where people can share their personal stories of how corruption has impacted their lives, with ideas on how to fix it. (He’s suggested these stories could be a source of inspiration).

ccMixter artists are invited to contribute spoken word, pellas, samples and remixes based on the Henry David Thoreau quote: There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root. ~ Henry David Thoreau

All musical styles are welcome.

We’ll focus on spoken word, pellas and samples through April 16 — but feel free to begin remixing at anytime. We encourage CC BY licensing but it is not required.

The deadline for remixes is April 30 of 2011. To be included in the Strike the Root playlist, your remix must contain at least one source from the Strike the Root pell or sample pool.

All of the remixes submitted as part of this event will be considered for three different curations (so far!). Lessig will help ArtisTech curate a digital-album for We anticipate curations from BlocSonic and the Free Music Archive as well.

While much of Lessig’s Strike the Root spoken word is United States specific, we believe the issue of corruption is universal. As artists, we believe we can facilitate a musical discussion – where the darkness of corruption can be lightened by sharing, collaboration and creativity. In music, striking the root chord (basse fondamentale) is fundamental to a song’s structure, and it rings throughout.

Thanks for all you do.
