Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » Carosone » "Constitution"


uploaded: Fri, Apr 29, 2011 @ 3:54 PM last modified: Fri, Sep 2, 2011 @ 2:11 PM  (del)

FeaturingLessig,Snowflake,MindMapThat!,Bianca,Caspian,Mandy,Dennis (voices)
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In Italy, the words by Lessig and Snowflake, sampled here and there, resonate very much and they’ve never been so on time since we’re going to vote a public referendum against recent laws introduced by our government for private water and Parliament members’ protection from the laws (since more than half of them are accused of corruption). Title comes from our constitution, that this government wants to change and there’s much debate since many think that the people who wrote it were much better persons than the one that today want to modify it. Musically, rock is the style for a song of protest, in my opinion, although I am a pop writer mainly and we have spoken words as a source material…jam!!
[Add on 2/9: new voices by Snowflake, Bianca, Caspian, and Kara from Mindmapthat! new mix and master, file replaced, proper tag now.

by Carosone

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