Imagination Rising Remix Event


About Me
Q: How did the band form and come up with the name NoSushi?
I took the name from a play on word in French, “No-Soucis” which turned to be NoSushi.

Q: How long has the band been around?
I am now going on my 10th year as a producer.

Q: How have the people closest to you reacted to your music?
Some like to see it as a mirror of myself, other take it as if it was not me playing (laughs…)
Q: If you were not musician’s what would you be?
Probably an IT project manager (which I am actually doing for earning my living)

Q: Who or what inspired you to become musicians?
At the age of 5, my parents gave me my first piano lessons. I was much more interested by the toys above the piano than playing sounds with this instrument.
Then as a kid, I was fascinated with live music. From the times I used to listen to vinyl record with my parents. To the times I used to go see bands like depeche mode or cure in the 80’s. I was always involved in music before sports or any other activities.
Member since
Thu, Aug 4, 2005
zikweb is found 61 times in playlists
zikweb has 65 remixes and has been remixed 36 times.
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