Imagination Rising Remix Event


About Me
Updated July, 2011

Hello all,

I am a technical engineer experienced in concert touring, theatrical, recording, sound, lighting, film and production infrastructure. currently I’m self employed with a store on eBay selling audio equipment and related accessories.

Music creation has been a part time hobby for over six year’s. Its and been a love hate relationship. the love part always ends up wining….

It took me a bit to understand what cc-Mixter is about and realizing, instinctively, had the same beliefs over cause and purpose, once understood.


after being targeted and accused of a tracks sample sounding less then original, some kid claiming ownership.

Cleared and accuser at fault,,,,,
The incident had me see the seriousness of the matter worsened by a generation of dummies, greed, stupidity, and, ego.

I wonder the day someone claiming ownership having my fart copyrighted.

Best to you all——
Sal Marino
Member since
Sun, May 23, 2010
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