Join the Season of the Stars Remix Event!
MC Jack in the Box:
Sat, Feb 14 5:44 PM Bugs :: another "bug by design"?
ah, i guess not, they are 48k. one of them was yours. :) oh well.
Sat, Feb 14 2:51 PM Bugs :: another "bug by design"?
so here's an odd one i just found. i was trying to put together a playlist of re...
Wed, Feb 11 11:29 PM Pluggy Plugs :: Cool Music
scott altham, i see you hiding behind that mystery avatar. thanks for listening....
Sat, Feb 7 6:37 PM The Big OT :: Shepard Fairey and Fair Use
ha, yeah, i guess you could say that's one of them inconvenient truths...but it ...
Sat, Feb 7 3:32 PM The Big OT :: Shepard Fairey and Fair Use
I just posted a blog about this but I'm curious to what others thoughts are on t...
Fri, Feb 6 11:12 AM Pluggy Plugs :: Batman has a meltdown
"Feel free to make fun of me at my expense, I deserve it completely." -Christ...
Tue, Feb 3 10:54 PM Pluggy Plugs :: Cool Music
yes sir, nice avatar! and nice to see spin's smiling face as well! it's a coo...
Tue, Feb 3 5:42 PM Announcements :: Rock ON CC Mixter. Lest we forget.
given the title line, I thought you were plugging your latest rockin remix (pick...
Tue, Feb 3 12:46 PM Pluggy Plugs :: Cool Music
hey subliminal, you show up now! (minus a cool avatar...) thanks! :)
Sun, Feb 1 7:55 PM Pluggy Plugs :: Cool Music
hey duckett, thanks for adding to my followers list!
Fri, Jan 30 9:33 PM The Big OT :: Buddy Holly 50th Anniversary
ok, this is sort of on point but it has a funny backstory which i guess i should...
Fri, Jan 30 3:32 PM The Big OT :: Secret Mixter 5
so just to confirm, we'll get our assignments sometime tomorrow?
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