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Rock ON CC Mixter. Lest we forget.

permalink   Tue, Feb 3, 2009 @ 5:07 AM
Maybe this should be in the off topic listing but it is an announcement.

6 days ago i did a mix over on RealWorld. Yea i know they say never go back to an old girlfriend.

Well anyway i did. It took 7 attempts to upload a song. 2 Hours i was messing around and thought screw it.

Each time the error was said to be mine and what i was doing, never the sites, even though there was no difference to anything i had done before and the file complied with all of the many requirements.

Finally after uploading thru a friends machine it went.

6 DAYS later it appeared on the site.

MY point: This site, CC MIxter is a class piece of work.

Seemingly flawless in its operation it is one that has continually improved even in the short time i have been around and to the benefit of all who use it.

It’s an easy joy to a be a part of and contribute too.

For those who play an active part either as a re mixer , a casual listener or user in blogs or videos, then we should do everything possible to ensure it survives and remains firmly in the radar.

permalink   Tue, Feb 3, 2009 @ 10:28 AM
A-men (and a-women too) Brother Loveshadow. ccMixter, consider yourself hugged :-).

I think the real difference here is that this is a site where there is real interaction between the members which also include the admins.

Easy joys are harder and harder to come by these days. This place is a small miracle in a sea of ever-growing disappointments in the world as I see it.

I am grateful this place is here and I hope that it will remain here (along with it’s cast of characters, more or less) for many years to come :-).
permalink   Tue, Feb 3, 2009 @ 4:47 PM
ime uploading problems tend to be issues with the servers — the sysadmins at CC right a very tight ship under somewhat limited non-profit constraints (imagine how many hits-per-minutes the CC license pages get hit!) If I may drag him out of the shadows for a quick bow, NathanK has been a stellar pro and has held my hand more times that I care to admit. If you like how smooth things works around here, it’s because of him. (The bugs are mine.)
MC Jack in the Box
permalink   Tue, Feb 3, 2009 @ 5:42 PM
given the title line, I thought you were plugging your latest rockin remix (pickin up signals).

rock on, lest we forget among all the other sub-genres we create here… :)
permalink   Wed, Feb 4, 2009 @ 12:26 PM
I’ve always hoped that my old girlfriends would do really well in their lives even if we weren’t meant for each other. So it is with considerable sadness that I’m reading your experience.

And I’m very grateful for this one! :-)