Imagination Rising Remix Event


About Me
Im a eastbay cat.. you know near berkeley,oakland,san francisco all those great places..

Started messing around with FL and sony acid pro, now i have my own little studio set up in my place along with my fiancé and baby boy. After many years battling panic attacks, anxiety, agoraphobia, depression, homelessness, drug addictions, I have finally found my way out of the depths of my own mind and have continued on my musical journey as grapes.

If you use my songs please credit me with a link to my youtube page which is since it is almost impossible for people to find me if they google grapes.

add me on my instagram if u wanna know more about me
Member since
Fri, Apr 20, 2007
grapes is found 288 times in playlists
grapes has 44 remixes and has been remixed 68 times.
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grapes has left 121 reviews and has been reviewed 227 times
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