Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

Living game
by Carosone
Recommends (17)
Tue, Jan 28, 2014 @ 11:45 AM

Tools I Used

Sequencer: Sonar X producer (now with melodyne), loops, Pianoteq piano vst, Z3ta+ synth

Samples I Used

David Milzow: saxophone
Jurgen Attig: bass
Jerry Marotta (!): drums
Shahd: Syrian voice
Nicky McCoy: backvocals

they all sell/send for free their performance and enable me to use them in a complete song but unfortunately for ccmixters I am not allowed to share their contribute

Original Samples

Piano, synth (shared to ccm)


celemony melodyne is now included in my sequencer: this great software can take loops and change them to fit your melody, so even if the original players did something different, they can all play along Panu and me. By means of melodyne I could also create Panu's second voice and Emily singing "in the living game" with him : "in the living" was taken from In Peace, "game" from Diamond King

Other Notes

The singer Shahd has left Syria to escape the difficult situation in her country. My friend Elisa is trying to give a hand to Syrian refugees in a camp near the border(for those interested: time4life, website and facebook)