How I Did It

Samples are used in:
Tools I Used
Wave Goodbye
magix audio studio 5
Samples I Used
All the samples are mixter, except that my friend Sky Goodwill recorded the coyotes and gave me permission to use them.
Original Samples
I used existing mixter samples and my friend's sample from my sample set.
I morphed the crickets and the piano files in Wave Goodbye into MIDI, and then assigned them new MIDI voices. Then I added the coyotes and teru's wonderful rhythm track.
Other Notes
The coyote sample was created using a cell phone to record.
I wanted to meld disparate pieces into an ambient work, but when I remembered the wonderful loop track, I shifted gear immediate into minor-key groove territory.
It's a total departure for me, except for the coyotes, which are a favored morph subject of mine.
Our Texas coyotes howl now, too,
and rabbits flee everywhere.