Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

Earth, Love, Sea
by gurdonark
Recommends (11)
Sat, Jan 12, 2008 @ 8:29 AM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

Sawcutter 2.0 (
slicer (
magix audio studio 10

Samples I Used



I placed the DJ lang guitar part as a wave file into Sawcutter, and sequenced the basic melody. It was then a slow keyboard bpm without a lot of "hop". I loaded the wave file resulting into slicer, and used the settings smooth, pitch and pan--about 3 minutes into the Sliced piece, this jazz version awoke.

Other Notes

I chose to apply a telephone effect to the vocal as the setting in my mind is two people who should be together but are apart.

I chose to keep it very simple, although I thought some slow brush rides and things might help it--and even a little guitar or horn solo. I decided, though, that less is more on this one. I'd love to hear someone else try a full-bodied remix.