The intensity of the vocals by projectQUESTION goes straight through the roof - no question about it. I was uncertain where to go with it because of its energy level, but then it started to mold into a reggae with mandatory cheesy triplet-delays and all the standard reggae drum-clichés. I was helpless - the arrangement started to write itself. ;)
So there you go - the arrangement of this song is done by the arrangement of this song. ;)
media, remix, bpm_080_085, editorial_pick, trackback, in_video, sample, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, archive, zip, bass, drums, guitar, male_vocals, political, reggae
Contents of ZIP Archive: Stems
The Mixversation
Recommended by:
lonnie (projectquestion), Donnie Drost (donniedrost), Alex (AlexBeroza), Admiral Bob (admiralbob77), Zapac, onlymeith, J.Lang (djlang59), phasenwandler, ScOmBer, Jeris (VJ_Memes), unreal_dm, musikpirat, CSoul, Benjamin Orth, Subliminal, Loveshadow, SackJo22, Speck, copperhead, texasradiofish, jacindae, Steven M Bryant (stevieb357), essesq, Snowflake, spinningmerkaba (jlbrock44), mykleanthony, economix Found in 4 playlists
by Zep Hurme 2011 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. Editorial pickRespect to the I. Loveshadow
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