The River
uploaded: Tue, Oct 1, 2013 @ 7:49 PM last modified: Wed, Oct 2, 2013 @ 2:56 PM (add)
This is an older song of mine that I pulled off the shelf last year and re-did as a simple piano/vocal rendition. I wrote it for my older brother who was in what he saw as a very hopeless situation – he saw absolutely no way out. I wanted to validate him and share his load, but also somehow give him hope without just glossing over his problems etc.
The River Words & Music by Michael Webb You stand at the edge of the river Of all of your dreams and desires And you’re looking upstream But your heart’s drifting downstream And you want to run and save it But you’re just too tired Nobody’s walked in your footsteps Or looked at the world from your shore So they offer assistance Safe, from a distance But all of their good intentions Only go so far And you’ve had enough of this madness So you’ll take a rest on the shore ‘Cause there just aren’t any answers And really, what are the chances Of turning this river from it’s course? You’re right in the thick of the story But not even you know the end And if you draw your conclusions From this well of illusion You’ll miss all that He has waiting Just around the bend Repeat Chorus If you’re tired of being swept away You can’t find the safety of still waters If there are questions you need answers for You know this story has an Author He is the maker of the river He is the master of the water With power to deliver It’s a heavy cross but He’ll bear the weight of your madness And He’ll give you rest, that’s for sure But if He’s not your answer Then really, what are the chances Of turning this river form its course?
acappella, media, featured, trackback, in_video, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, piano, discouragment, hope, life
The River
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"The River"
by wilburson 2013 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) ![]() Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. ![]() Samples are used in: |