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The Weight of Your Madness

uploaded: Sun, Oct 6, 2013 @ 9:05 PM
FeaturingWilburson & Rob
Recommends (12)
Sometimes music is a hard battle between the ideas, resources and ability that are available at that moment in time. At other times it is more a case of being in the right place at the right time.

This piece for me is one of the latter. The wonderful vocal and exquisite lyrics just seemed to fold so easy into the music as I played it and the soulful playing of Rob on his Japanese flute blended in like great sushi.

That said I did manipulate both the vocal and the flute samples in Melodyne. The vocal was taken up a tone and rephrased and re-harmonised to the music. Rob’s flute had the first 10 bars sampled and then I “replayed” them in Melodyne.

It sounds as if I am contradicting myself but the whole process took about an hour to complete. The hardest part was whether or not to include the percussion in the break. I went ahead with it anyway.

"The Weight of Your Madness"
by Shelflife

2013 - Licensed under
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