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No Confirmation (Vo1k1 Mix)

uploaded: Sun, Mar 11, 2018 @ 7:38 AM
Recommends (19)
Remix of Speck for the Interstellar Secret Mixter.

Speck has so many uploads it was somewhat daunting knowing where to start!

Just to pare things down to what I wanted to consider - I started listening to material that did not appear to be a remix itself (e.g., looking for more raw than not Speck). After some considerable listening, I found myself drawn to some of the ambling improvisations and creative high quality found sound sampling efforts.

From these, I sampled phrases and chords, built kits, and generated midi to aid in the remix. The Speck improvisations lent to a through-composed quality, and I wanted the remix to build, so I added a couple of new tracks to aid in that.

It was a pleasure to mine these ingredients and make something from them - hope you enjoy!

"No Confirmation (Vo1k1 Mix)"
by vo1k1

2018 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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