Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Merry Christmas, CCMixter

uploaded: Fri, Dec 18, 2015 @ 10:32 PM last modified: Sat, Dec 19, 2015 @ 4:11 AM  (replace)
FeaturingSnowflake, Kathy Brocks, Patricia Edwards, Farisha, tigabeatz, Admiral Bob, ElRon XChile, Snake Davis, Debbizo, Dysfunction_AL, coruscate, Kara Square, Hollyhawk, Andrew Wainwright, kcentric, unreal_dm, rocavaco, Scomber, inchadney, peaveycroquette, felix blume, dobroide
Recommends (22)
Been creating a lot of remixes lately building up from the drums. This is yet another one.

Decided to look for tigabeatz drums upon which to build. Selected Super Silly Suspicious Drums at 140 bpm and the remix was afoot.

Decided Christmas spirit would be apropos. Gospel bass, piano, organs, guitar and choir vocals in C were added.

Looking for more vocals found Patricia Edwards, Snowflake and Kathy Brocks expressed notions well suited for this gospel blues R&B music. Mashed the voice up with the choir.

Added some Snake Davis sax and Admiral Bob guitar for color. Reused ElRon’s Fishes in Sea recording for the two verse guitar solo.

At this point, more Christmas spirit was needed in the mix.

Listening to Joyous Christmas by Dysfunctional_AL liked the way the claps accented the rhythm. Added claps by Dysfunction_AL, Coruscate and tigabeatz and tambourine provided by Kara Square.

Created an outro featuring Spanish, German and Mexican Christmas-time street ambiance overlaid by Church Bells and Christmas stylings by Hollyhawk and Andrew Wainwright followed by good tidings by Farisha and Scomber.

Assisting TRF with the outro “music connects us at” site promo are world-wide site promo samples from Debbizo, unreal_dm, kcentric and rocavaco.

At this point, the was no room to comfortably squeeze in more peace, love and happiness.

Merry Christmas, CCMixter!

(1) He Did It by Patrcia Edwards courtesy of
(2) Farishamusic Christmas Stylings by Farisha courtesy of
(3) Christmas Market by inchadney courtesy of This work is licensed CC BY.
(4) Church Bells by peaveycroquette courtesy of This work is licensed CC BY.
(5) Street Seller in Mexico City Christmas Pine by felix blume courtesy of This work is licensed CC 0.
(6) Christmas Ambiance by dobroide courtesy of This work is licensed CC BY.

"Merry Christmas, CCMixter"
by texasradiofish

2015 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

This track from TRF is a blast! The inspiration is inspirational, the production is flawless, and gosh darn it I’d buy the CD if it weren’t free for the downloading here on ccMixter.

The perfect antidote for the Holiday Blah’s… . .



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