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Alive (vocal arrangement and drum freestyle jam) add your bits!

uploaded: Thu, Nov 13, 2014 @ 10:42 AM last modified: Fri, Nov 20, 2015 @ 11:42 AM  (del)
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A vocal arrangement and a beat. Why not add some of your own stuff to finish it off!

Funny day today, most of the Absolute crew are almost under house arrest at the mo… (we wonder why…)

check out Andy W’s youtube channel at

Including a rather dirty trick against our sound system A.Dell (Stock Aitken Waterman called their LinnDrum machine A.Linn) We fixed a friends computer, found it to be OK with just leftover virus remains and he decided to take it back for free, as we said it wouldn’t be worth £40 or so to re-format etc.

Plugged our LCD monitor back in on a VGA connector. Dead.

Pure co-incidence, but it’s happened before under the same circumstances.

Now our Dell Dimension is 11 years old, single core, 4gb of ram, onboard graphics. Runs Linux (KXSTudio) and the superb Ardour Pro-Tools port. Each upgrade gets better performance from the same hardware.

Windows is great for games, and the new user interface is a wicked sleeping pill, it bores you to sleep just trying to make a four bar drum loop on commercial software…

What more can I say.

Well, there’s a good thing about Windows 8 and similar problem- sex equality, my wife can use Windows 8 no probs and she also taught me how to use a smartphone. As can Phil and Paul navigate these GUIs that just don’t compute with the likes of me.

Team spirit, and disabilities teach us a cool lesson, we can get ahead best as a team! Handicaps show that no-one is perfect!

You might wonder about the large number of file formats and similar mixes, but all of them are slightly different.

Why not check out brother/sister duo Same Difference who were on X-factor, or checkout Stellar Art Wars’ own website or Absolutely Multimedia Ltd’s website.
or look at the Andrew Wainwright Reform Trust for that matter. Notice the dead or alive stuff here.

You spin me right round baby etc!

BTW, we’ve added some flac files of our vocal arrangement and drum beats!

"Alive (vocal arrangement and drum freestyle jam) add your bits!"
by stellarartwars

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