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What Are You Conserving

uploaded: Wed, Nov 20, 2019 @ 9:32 AM last modified: Thu, Nov 21, 2019 @ 3:55 AM  (replace)
FeaturingKara Square
Recommends (8)
Kara Square’s uke, marimba and whistling (big thanks for sharing).

My usual complaintive musings.

I wonder what you’re conserving
When you call your rivals names?
Certainly not human decency
Despite your spurious claims

And what are you conserving
By rolling back regulations
Meant to curtail pollution
Except your business relations

And what are you conserving
By denying the climate’s changing?
You can still make tons of money
With a little portfolio rearranging

Start putting your money in making things better
You can’t conserve the past
We’ve been raping the earth since we got here
How long do you think that can last?

And what are your uncaring sons conserving
By killing rhinos for fun?
Certainly not the animal kingdom
Which every day is closer to done

And what did you conserve
With how many buildings you own?
Only some money by cheating contractors
And lying to get a loan

And what are you conserving
By making life harder for farmers?
Or falling for the flattery
Of insincere despot charmers?

In fact I can’t think of anything
You’re conserving that’s good for us
With your runaway ego, to save some face
You’d throw the whole nation under the bus

I have to admit that I don’t really get it
I think maybe it’s a misnomer
You’re no more a conservative
Than Einstein is a Gomer

Not that liberal’s any better
as far as labels go
They only want the best for everyone
Shouldn’t that just be so

A liberal’s not a libertarian
or a socialist as far as I know
and both sides can be pretty contrarian
that’s why we’re moving so slow

The only way to make progress
is by electing those that want it
Hey maybe that’s what conservative means
They don’t and they’re happy to flaunt it

Contents of ZIP Archive: vocals

  • /vocal stem high dry (A).flac (6.58MB)
  • /vocal stem low dry (C sharp minor).flac (6.26MB)
  • /vocal stem wet.flac (7.82MB)
  • /vocal high raw.flac (5.75MB)
  • /vocal low raw.flac (5.48MB)

"What Are You Conserving"
by Speck

2019 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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