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Why Animals

uploaded: Sat, May 25, 2019 @ 7:46 AM last modified: Sat, May 25, 2019 @ 7:46 AM  (add)
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Inspired by Radioontheshelf’s upload this morning of The Indignities Of Trigger.

When little Lauren asks a question
it’s easy to adore
The other day she asked me
what are animals here for

Why that’s simple I said
without making a fuss
Animals are here
to entertain us

We either love to shoot them,
a most satisfying sport,
or we put them on our tv shows
the late-nite chat show sort

or sometimes we parade them ‘round
on diamond studded leashes
hoping for a major win
and the endorphins that releases

We keep them in our home to look at
in aquariums and cages
and then we have the gall to think
that killing them’s outrageous

or we tell ourselves they love us
and that emotionally we need them
but deep down we know what they really want
is for us not to forget to feed them

We have a preference for the cute and cuddly
that we can keep as pets
while we exterminate the ugly ones
that we perceive as threats

But then, though I repeat myself,
we just find it fun
to track down innocent creatures
and kill them with a gun

Not to mention eating them
or putting them to work
or prodding, tying, beating them
should they choose to shirk

So, little child, since you ask,
why did God put them here
Why for us of course
to show just how much we care

"Why Animals"
by Speck

2019 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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