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Eye of a Hurricane

uploaded: Sat, Nov 23, 2019 @ 8:54 PM last modified: Sat, Nov 23, 2019 @ 8:56 PM  (add)
FeaturingWhiteWolf, Patronski
Recommends (30)
So back in the day, I was part of an amazing rock band — we played live all over LA and toured N America and Canada in a real tour bus. It was an incredible chapter. My music has morphed multiple genres since those days, and I love it all.

WhiteWolf’s musicianship and chord sensibility is stellar. Working with his stems was like being in that rock band again. I closed my eyes, and I was back on stage at the LA House of Blues. In June of 2017 they tore down this iconic venue to build a high rise. I’d performed there over a dozen times, so it hurt a bit.

What’s sorta cool about this track is that its born out of a WW remix of a song ‘ Hurricane’ by my hubby. I titled this new song similarly and reference one other line from a Patronski song as a tip of the hat. So it’s a real mixversation (to reference Victor!).

The ending is a surprise! It’s my favorite part, and let’s just say it happened in the coolest way.

Secret Mixters are truly one of my favorite things in this world. They’ve made me develop an entirely new way of making music, so full of freedom and discovery.

One last thing, I hate asking you guys for money. I really wish we never had to. But, well, we could use a little help if you can. Thank you with all of my heart.


Eye of a Hurricane
by MadamSnowflake

Storm clouds are rising in my chest
We’re all on the edge of a raging tempest
The light shining now fading into nothingness
But I’m fighting back with my inner stillness

In the eye of a hurricane
I’m standing here in the eye of a hurricane

There’s a foreboding, pending darkness
The sun is absorbed by the horizon to the west
The sky is so heavy but there’s a light I still possess
For that I must evolve, I won’t settle for anything less

In the eye of a hurricane
I’m standing here right in the eye

Night is now surrounding, surrounding me
This crushing wave it is drowning, drowning me
Dark night of the soul surrounding, surrounding me
But I am still at peace

I’m right in the eye
I’m right in the eye

Barometer rising in my chest
We’re all on the edge of an ego-raging madness

In the eye of a hurricane
I’m standing here
In the eye of a hurricane
I’ll face my fear
In the eye of a hurricane

I’m right in the eye
Look me right in the eye
Standing right in the eye
In the eye of a hurricane
I’m right in the eye
Standing right in the eye

In the eye of a hurricane
I’m standing right here
In the eye of a hurricane
I’ll face my fear
In the eye of a hurricane
I’m standing right here
In the eye of a hurricane
Look me in the eye, look me in the eye
In the eye of a hurricane
I’m standing right here, standing right here

"Eye of a Hurricane"
by Snowflake

2019 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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