Too Young (a tribute)
On July 19, 2000 my baby sister, Annie, was killed by a drunk driver. I was on a 50-city tour for, that night in the city of Cleveland. I’d visited the Rock’n Roll Hall of Fame that morning with my sister Natalie, her two young children and my band. It was strange that of 50 different cities, I happened to be in Cleveland that fateful night that changed everything.
I don’t know why I feel safe divulging the most personal thing that has happened in my life here with you all, but for some reason, I do. Thank you for that. Talking with my mom last week, she asked if anyone at ccMixter had remixed any of Annie’s songs from the Folded Wings album. I explained I don’t have the stems, so have never shared them. My mom said, “well, I’d love to hear a new version of Too Young.” So I re-recorded the pella and piano of Too Young this morning (apologies for some of the crunchiness on the pella, I think I may have distorted the mic diaphragm? any suggestions?). This song is a favorite of my family’s and I would love to be able to present them with a new version on July 19. Thank you for your support at this 10th anniversary that is weighing heavily upon me. And thank you for being my partners in cathartic, artistic creation. Peace. Too Young Somewhere there’s an answer Somewhere on the way she will know Somewhere there is someone listening Someone, somewhere Girl, get on your feet No more hiding let them see you Don’t be ashamed ‘cause variety Is the splendor of life and dreams You’re too young to be on that bridge You’re too young to be standing on the edge Too young to be alone with the rain You’re too young Somewhere there’s an answer Somewhere on the way she will know Somewhere there is someone listening Someone, somewhere You just want to be understood You just want to be guiltless if you could Don’t be ashamed ‘cause miscalculations Are mislabeled as nothing good You’re too young to be on that table Too young to believe you are less than stable Too young to be alone with the rain You’re too young I know your strength will win I know your strength will win You’re resilient, well more than you’ve been Somewhere there’s an answer Somewhere on the way she will know Somewhere there is someone listening Someone, somewhere, someone, some Somewhere, someone, somewhere You’re too young to be on that bridge You’re too young to be standing on the edge You’re too young, you’re too young You’re too, you’re too, you’re too strong
acappella, media, bpm_085_090, editorial_pick, ccplus, sample, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, mono, flac, VBR, album, death_of_a_sister_or_belo, emily_richards, female_vocals, folded_wings, grief, hope, piano
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"Too Young (a tribute)"
by Snowflake 2010 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) ![]() Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. ![]() Editorial pickI have remixed Snowflake once before but did not really listen to her sing, I mean I heard the song but I didn’t really hear her. Girl has got some pipes. If this track is even a small representation of her then she is truely gifted. I’m humbled by the beauty and passion in your voice which truely came across in this track. I only have one other word to say …… AMAZING!! mykleanthony
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