Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Everything I ever want

uploaded: Sun, Jul 31, 2011 @ 11:43 PM
FeaturingUnrealDM & Sassygal
Recommends (20)
For me one of the great things about ccM is “blind” collaboration.
That is, collaborating with someone where there is no cross feedback during the process.
Sometimes the result is awful, other times its outstanding and way different than I ever considered.
This song started as a quick ditty I wrote for Sassygal to sing to one of thejoe’s backinging tracks “ today
Unrealdm picked up the pella and took it somewhere else completely different.

I’ve been writing a lot of songs lately for Sassygals voice and this was one of them.
Its liberating writing a melody for a voice that is not in the ideal range to sing myself.

Anyway, in the interests of letting it all hangout and running around the neighbourhood naked, here’s me singing the original guide for Sassy against Unrealdm’s backing.
Sassy plays backup vocals without ever knowing she did.
It seems rather odd in this collaboration that the timeline was so upside down and unconnected.
Anyway, thanks little Joe, Paul and Sassy. Hope you like.

"Everything I ever want"
by ScOmBer

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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