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Live from the CCM Convention lobby

uploaded: Tue, Aug 11, 2009 @ 11:44 PM
FeaturingBill Ray, Admiral Bob and the ccM rabble
Recommends (30)
Panu gave me a cool idea the other day, that he could picture me on the grand piano in the lobby at the first annual ccMixter convention in my best tux and sandshoes.

This is how I think it may happen.

Bill Ray blowing it up on the drums, Admiral Bob doing the wacka wacka and yours truly doing the vox, bass, piano and organ.
Prog rock is great because it seems you can get away with just about anything.
Save me a drink Ciggi.

Here’s the words;

Welcome everyone to the First Annual ccMixter convention.
I’d like to thank Creative Commons,
and our founding father, Victor Stone, sitting over there in the lounge

Drinks are served over at the bar
Just look for Ciggiburns
with a really big glass of contreau in her hand;
she’s sitting with Anchor.
Loveshadow’s over there -
signing some autographs
And Bill, Where’s Bill?
And Billy Ray, can you come over and have a bash on these drums?

Well your eyes
they tell me things
that I know
should make a young girl blush

and your friends
they’re whispering things
that I know
would make a young boy rush

those lips
they’re doing things
that I feel
I really want so much

Well I was surfn some sounds
just the other day
when I found a little lick, nice and slick
down on ccmixter way

that I cant let go
music streaming down for me
cause its setting me free
creative uncommons certainty

I checked the new uploads
I found some sackjoe via some fourstones
shared a moment with that Ciggi Burns
way down low,
I guess she’s heard
all of those lines -
from some Panu Moon
or that Radiotimes

I spent some time
lov’n Narva9
then skipped right to The Joe,
I streamed some Shannon for my suppertime
then I played J Lang
with Cue for the flow
he’s a really cool cat
heard him on the Cool Music Show

Just remember
have a good time people

And remember that while all the music is free
drinks aren’t paid by some anonymous benefactor
so we’d all like you to donate
by clicking on the pay pal button
located on the right arm of your seat.

Scomber 2009 x

PS let me know if anyone would like me to develop this theme further : interesting application for a playlist/podcast?

"Live from the CCM Convention lobby"
by ScOmBer

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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