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ShinyBlackCar (pella)

uploaded: Mon, Feb 9, 2009 @ 2:45 PM
Recommends (6)
Hers the pell for Shiny Black Car
Cheers S

come on
follow that yellow taxi driver

I started hangn out at dancehalls
lookn like I meatball
polish up like pinball
colored with some paintball
beatn chest like king kong
itchn for some sing-song
nothn else to do wrong
somethin doin
won’t be long

come on
watch it!
hey Oprah pick up the phone

thats when I turned into a rapper
and it wouldn’t be too long
before I got myself a label
and a Grammy kickarse song

a Gucci gold leaf table
in penthouse cant be wrong
I think I’ll rob the cradle
I’m so glad you came along

in my shiny black car
hey bro
don’t lean on the paintwork
or my possie will show you some facework

my mouth is flow’n like a sewer
cuttn tracks now filled with ease
and my pants are getting lower
like I have some bad disease

I grab my balls when flow’n
I just do what I please
I ask for fluoride down in my bathroom
and a wallet full of trees

and my shiny black car
red carpet please!

a pimped up black and chrome
dumb ass kickn avatar
and that shiny shiny
shiny black car
and that
shiny shiny black car
shiny black car
shiny black car

"ShinyBlackCar (pella)"
by ScOmBer

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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