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One Box Two Girls No Money

uploaded: Tue, Feb 3, 2009 @ 2:35 AM
FeaturingWords of Panu Moon
Recommends (8)
Anchors recent work and Panu’s words put me in mind of something that occurred a few years ago.

I was contacted by a solicitor acting for the family of a friend of mine whose Father had recently died to attend the reading of the gentlemans will. I knew the family had some money so I turned up early at the solicitors office filled with anticipation. The bereaved soon arrived and also two young women who nobody knew and we were led into a room where the will was to be read.

The will was brief and to the point. Everything was left to the wife and sons. The deceased thanked the two young women for bringing him so much happiness in his later years and whilst he could not bring himself to leave them any money he said that as I was such a great sort of fella he knew he could rely on me to make sure they had a good drink after the funeral was over!

We did!!

"One Box Two Girls No Money"
by radiotimes

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