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Moving On - A Grand Affair

uploaded: Sun, Jul 13, 2008 @ 3:08 AM
Recommends (8)
This is an Arty Filmic piece which requires a lot of imagination basically because there’s no film!!

It tells the story of mankind’s continuing struggle to reinvent itself into something better but sadly keeps failing.

The first scene opens with Mankind saying it has found another way only to be laughed at by the discordant sounds of the trumpet, cello and piano.

In the next scene we have Mother Earth confiding that she has just about had enough of the “boy” mankind and it is time to move onwards and up to better things.

Next we have mankind struggling only to fail but then find another direction.

Finally Mother Earth confirms she has packed her bags!

The Cast

Mankind……………………….Colin Mutchler
Mother Earth…………………..Lisa DeBenedictis
Life’s Challenges Cello……….Anchor Mejans
Foreclosure Trumpet…………..Ivor Bigdebt
Mother Earths Piano…………..Rob Costlow
Sub Prime Solo Piano…………Russ Conway’s Missing Finger
Globalised Percussion…………Fred Bank’s Reserves
Boys Choir…………………….Georges Orphans

"Moving On - A Grand Affair"
by radiotimes

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