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These Years and Still - Vocals and Ukulele

uploaded: Fri, Nov 2, 2012 @ 10:01 AM last modified: Fri, Nov 2, 2012 @ 10:05 AM  (add)

byKara Square
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Another ukulele love song… I posted a different version of this one a couple years ago. It was originally written on the guitar (shhhh…). So here’s the ukulele version. I also changed the words from “10 years and still” to “These years and still” because time keeps passing and why pigeonhole it? The vocals and ukulele are dry in the zip. Hope you dig!

I think you knew me before I really got to know me.
And I’m pretty sure I got you the moment we met.
I think it has to do with your eyes.
Yeah, those bright blues hypnotize,
But I’m talking ‘bout the feelin’ of deep, deep knowin’…
If only a person looks.

Is it possible to love you more?
More love than I thought imaginable
More love than I thought I had inside of me.
Every day that passes by
Every look you look that meets my eyes
These years and still I love you more.

To say that I adore you
While it’s very, very true
Hardly explains what I feel for you
If I made a list, like I’ve done before
The reasons I feel affection for
You and I would be trapped inside for days…
Hey, hey…

Is it possible to love you more?
More love than I thought imaginable
More love than I thought I had inside of me.
Every day that passes by
Every look you look that meets my eyes
These years and still I love you more.

All you’ve done for me
You’ve kept me alive
All my thanks could never be

Is it possible to love you more?
More love than I thought imaginable
More love than I thought I had inside of me.
Every day that passes by
Every look you look that meets my eyes
These years and still I love you more.

"These Years and Still - Vocals and Ukulele"
by Kara Square

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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