Heart-Stopping Lies (Kara Square)
uploaded: Thu, Apr 12, 2012 @ 12:58 PM last modified: Thu, Apr 12, 2012 @ 1:09 PM (add)
ccPlus Commercial License Available
Here’s the third track of a solo album I’m working on as Kara Square… The entire album will be love songs played on ukulele. This one’s a bit sad… the next one I post will be the opposite… you know- happy. :) The stems in the zips are dry. Hope you dig… WORDS This lack of validation Absorbs to the core When love is dishonored Commitments ignored How can I find value In culture based on hate How can I feel freedom Laws don’t protect me And my love My love The reason I’m alive Oh my love My love The strength to survive While we hide And are forced to lie The part of my life That matters the most Is summarized With heart-stopping lies We follow society The American dream Have jobs, bought a house Mow the grass every week We follow the law Pay our taxes every year But we both mark single As if our love isn’t real CHORUS We just want our love protected We just want to be respected CHORUS
acappella, media, melody, bpm_070_075, ccplus, preview, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, archive, zip, acoustic, america, american_dream, ballad, female_vocals, kara_square, love, love_song, respect, ukelele, ukulele
Contents of ZIP Archive: Vocals and Ukulele
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"Heart-Stopping Lies (Kara Square)"
by Kara Square 2012 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) ![]() Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. ![]() Samples are used in: |