Outside Poolside
Well, this didn’t really turn out as I had hoped. I got to a point where I was just spending too much time on the mixing. The bass was a HUGE problem for some reason. I did 8 mixes involving cutting various low frequencies, compressing, altering volume levels….and it never got to the point where I was completely satisfied. I love making music but I absolutely HATE mixing. I just don’t have the technical knowhow to pull that off. There are many things I would fix in the mix but I just don’t have the time. I hope you can enjoy parts anyway! :) Regardless of me making too many excuses…thank you to Emily for her wonderful vocals. :)
media, remix, bpm_120_125, editorial_pick, trackback, in_video, rough_mix, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 48k, stereo, CBR, atmospheric, chill, dreamy, electronica, female_vocals
Outside Poolside
The Mixversation
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"Outside Poolside"
by Lasswell 2010 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) ![]() Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. ![]() Editorial pickIt’s a crime. Just too many sonic and arrangement skills for one person to own. Loveshadow
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