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Upon Waves of Promise

uploaded: Sun, Nov 16, 2008 @ 9:12 PM
FeaturingAnchor Méjans
Recommends (14)
I haven’t been able to record anything worthwhile on the guitar for the better part of the year. I was working on a song last week but it wasn’t really going anywhere. I heard Anchor’s inspiring delivery of his most excellent poem The Promise, and went off on a tangent and came up with this, slightly detuned guitars and all.

This is dedicated to those who are just barely holding on to their hopes and dreams.

(sampled clips are from BBC news)

Don’t ask for my promise of tomorrow
for I wrapped it in a small rag and hid it under some leaves in the woods near your house.
I knew I could never find it again and I knew this was my guaranty that you could not take my heart away and pawn it in some frozen market among gaunt and starving merchants among old crates and dust.
I wanted your suspenders
And all the litter of your free and easy speeches
I wanted to collect your wasted words
In gilded boxes labeled: Absent.
I wanted the days you let yourself
be swallowed by the moon.
I wanted the pink folds of your forgotten dreams…
I only got your shadow
And it faded at noon.

"Upon Waves of Promise"
by khidir

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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