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Charles the Cat

uploaded: Sat, Mar 20, 2010 @ 7:23 PM
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Michael Joseph was a British publisher. His friend, Charles O’Malley, was a Siamese cat. Charles was not a show cat or a surrogate child or a warcat. He was the best kind of pet, who becomes the owner’s friend.

No warrior himself, Charles nonetheless accompanied his friend Michael on a short-lived stint of wartime military duty. He lived in city and country, in good times and in times less ideal.

This song imagines a Siamese cat, using Audiotechnica’s wonderful samples to create a “soundimage”. I imagine Charles, who died before I was born, when I hear this piece. I won’t bother to say what Charles is doing during the piece—just close your eyes, and you’ll see Charles, too.

I’ve not done either Charles nor Audiotechnica full justice in this remix, but I am deeply grateful that life presented me with the story of a wonderful cat and the songs of a gifted mixter with which to make my feeble try.

"Charles the Cat"
by gurdonark

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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