by | gurdonark |
Featuring | Nora Young and Kutiman |
length | 3:14 |
Recommends |
Recommends (18) |
In every chance meeting lies the possibility of a chance meeting.
3 minute and 1 minute versions.
By the way, if you haven’t discovered the CBC Spark podcast, then I highly recommend it.
Spark is savvy about the issues we care about here.
media, remix, trackback, in_video, chill_downtempo, kutiman, lovely, nora_young, spark, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR
Recommended by:
jobobarikan, J.Lang (djlang59), Subliminal, spinmeister, error404 (presse), Alex (AlexBeroza), victor, Anchor (anchormejans), teru, panu (panumoon), oldDog, Vidian, Budapest BluesBoy (hepepe), MC Jack in the Box (mcjackinthebox), opus_opium, SackJo22, max_thehitman, Kitchendon