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Death of the Party

uploaded: Sat, Jun 21, 2008 @ 5:29 PM last modified: Sat, Jun 21, 2008 @ 7:48 PM  (replace)
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On Thurday, June 19, 2008, Matthew Butler, age 28, who owned Zion Gate Records, a small recording studio in Garland, Texas, and Stephen Swan, 26, his sound engineer, were murdered as they emerged from a recording session in the early morning hours. The police arrested two men alleged to be their assailants, each of whom was 19 years old, and found driving Mr. Butler’s car, a decade-old Crown Victoria.

I am not acquainted with either the men killed nor with the men accused of the killing. The killing took place roughly a ten-minute drive from my law office.

This song was created by sampling from a plastic party favor picked up for less than two dollars at a “Party House” store in a suburban mini-mall.

This incident caused me to think about the senselessness of violent crime, and the tragedy for so many people, not least Mr. Butler’s two very young children.

"Death of the Party"
by gurdonark

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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