by | duckett |
Featuring | Lomon |
length | 2:38 |
BPM | 100 |
Recommends |
Recommends (17) |
Another short one, with bass a-plenty. A musical nod to a certain genius I grew up listening to. Hope you like…
media, remix, bpm_100_105, trackback, in_video, funky, male_vocals, synthesizer, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR
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Kaer Trouz, Anchor (anchormejans), Loveshadow, essesq, George_Ellinas, radiotimes, J.Lang (djlang59), Droid, Electronic Clash (ciro), Scott Altham (scottaltham), MarcoRaaphorst, TheJoe, spinmeister, Bocrew, Psychotropic_Circle, Calling Sister Midnight (romancito), AIR_LOMEG