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Long Live Water

uploaded: Sun, Aug 7, 2011 @ 11:26 AM last modified: Sun, Aug 7, 2011 @ 11:32 AM  (add)
byColin Mutchler
Recommends (11)
This piece came together over the last few years. From a draft presentation about transparent supply chains I had called “ Open Green,” to the second stanza, the flow of which is influenced by Bob Dylan’s It’s Alright Ma, and the chorus, which came during a beach walk through plastic bottles during a vacation in Gokarna, India during early 2010.

I’ve also included versions with the basic beats I had used for recording, as well as one with only a single voice. If you’d like a version with a stronger singing of the chorus, I’m happy to re-record that part along side of any draft remix.

Looking for a great version to use as basis for a music video that will include historic images from recent global news. Keep up the work all.

Long Live Water
Colin Mutchler - 2008/2010

in a millennial moment of violent cries,
where people vote to upset the sides
peaceful motion breaks through style
small screen stories make a world go wild

I walk the aisle of tomorrow’s meal,
and browse the rows of grade A sales
I wonder, is it worth the extra pound? the extra cents?
to know and feel about where the chickens were kept?

or feel the pride of where my shirts were built
the ladies hands that reduce the guilt
of free range lives and personal ties
that connect the stories of what I actually buy.

long live water
plastic bottles never die

pockets picked, the dawn of noon
shadows seek the eco spoon
feeding mouths with local food
if flown from far, the shipper’s sued

but he not busy being free is busy blaming.

rough guide disguise with paper trees
replace the waste with future fees

if only lonely rubber rhymes
tuned to nike’s redesigns
remake the shapes that choose the shoes
so baby’s breaths will feed the fuse

she not busy breathing dust is cancer crying.

micro stories from truck to train
quick moon clips of the value chain,
for greening maps that data drain
from cards with credit, coins reframed

for he not busy losing face is silence screaming

long live water
plastic bottles never die

in a millenial moment of violent cries,
where people vote to upset the sides
peaceful motion breaks through style
small screen stories make a world go wild

"Long Live Water"
by Colin Mutchler

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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