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September (Carosone's vox)

uploaded: Sun, Jun 22, 2008 @ 9:58 AM
Recommends (14)
i thought i should share the pella that i recorded for Carosone’s mix of the September song (which is here). originally he’d done a mix of ‘September’ with a edit of the vocal but i thought i should re-sing it for him as the new melody was so nice. as the original of this song was quite hard to mix i thought it would be nice to have this version up as well. warning: i recorded it against his remix so there are long pauses for the guitar and keys solos where no doubt you can hear lots of stuff from my noisy nose! lots of love from CGirl x

"September (Carosone's vox)"
by calendargirl

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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