Lull-a-Bye (_ghost star mix)
uploaded: Thu, May 15, 2008 @ 10:26 AM
_ghost’s Lull-a-bye was among the first music I ever downloaded from CC.Mixter. I wrote these lyrics which I felt suited the plaintive mood of his music, back when he first offered his piece, but never uploaded my finished idea. The gentle voice of Krishinda which flows through the whole thing made an excellent pillow of harmonies. The lyrics are unabashedly tender…and allot less apprehensive than “when the bow breaks”…
Lyrics: Sleep beneath the vaulted sky Please no tears Now dry your eyes Everyone must say “goodbye” But while you’re here, a lull-a-bye My song is but a wish come true A heartfelt gift from me to you Each cold and distant star bends low To feel your warmth To see your glow The constellations pictures born In scenes of dreams the stars give form To every hope we ever know As above So below The Dipper ladles out its love The North Star lights our path tonight And you don’t need a telescope To feel my words And know they’re right Sleep beneath the vaulted sky Please no tears dry your eyes Everyone must say “goodbye” But while you’re here, a lull-a-bye Everyone must say “goodbye” But while you’re here, a lull-a-bye The Mixversation
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"Lull-a-Bye (_ghost star mix)"
by Anchor 2008 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. |