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Ink on the Page

uploaded: Sat, Nov 23, 2019 @ 9:00 PM last modified: Sat, Nov 23, 2019 @ 9:55 PM  (add)
byAdmiral Bob
FeaturingStefan kartenberg
Recommends (23)
So I got Stefan Kartenberg, and I realized despite him being right up my alley, I haven’t remixed him before! So thanks to the secret mixter for getting this right for me.

Some of the things (I will detail it in How I did it) that you hear in this are not what you think they are - one of his guitars became a keyboard pad, and one of his pianos became a guitar :)

Ink On the Page

White strings of light briefly brighten the way
Casting white on the purple grey swirls behind
Raindrops fall dashing the sea and dark shades astray
Tumbling out of mind
Please don’t leave me I can almost see
The words on the page that I no longer read
Please don’t leave me I won’t run away
From the washed away ink on the page

Hot dappled heat flicking light in the room
Throwing the reds and yellows large on the walls
As ancient a thing as this caged fire swoons
I pull away the ash til the cracking oak calls
Please don’t leave me I can almost see
The words on the page that I no longer read
Please don’t leave me I won’t run away
From the washed away ink on the page

60 frames a second, like an old VGA
Unnatural snow scattered by the Big Bang
You will be drawn in, yes, you’ll choose it some day
Wave forms approaching where once a woman sang
Please don’t leave me I can almost see
The words on the page that I no longer read
Please don’t leave me I won’t run away
From the washed away ink on the page

"Ink on the Page"
by Admiral Bob

2019 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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