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Confronting Systemic Racism

uploaded: Fri, Jun 12, 2020 @ 7:31 PM last modified: Fri, Jun 12, 2020 @ 9:03 PM  (add)
FeaturingSpinningmerkaba, Justin Trudeau
Recommends (10)
Just as in the US, Canada struggles with racism on a daily basis.

These are excerpts from our Prime Minister on systemic racism* in our national police force, the RCMP, and indeed in all our policing institutions and daily lives across our great nation. Now it has been called to our attention in some of the most implicit and graphic ways, it seems Canada isn’t the friendly country everybody thinks.

George Floyd was a catalyst in the US, and the arrest** of Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Chief Allan Adam with an RCMP officer arriving officer jump-tackling the chief to the ground without warning, punching him in the head and putting him in a chokehold (all over an expired licence plate!) here in Canada.

We all need to come together. Now is the time. Race is an illusion, an artificial contrivance. There is only one race… the Human Race, and all lives matter!

* Justin Trudeau’s comments can be seen here.

** First Nation Chief Allan Adam horrific arrest video can be seen here.

120bpm F#

Stems to follow…

"Confronting Systemic Racism"
by Whitewolf

2020 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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