RSVP for Jul 28 Livestream
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Spiritus Contra Spiritum

uploaded: Sat, Mar 24, 2012 @ 5:03 AM
Recommends (26)
Kerri Lake Native Flute sample from freesound was also used.

Spiritus Contra Spiritum

I call it the false light
a mirage of an oasis
carefree conviviality
looking for God in all the wrong places

drunk alone in a desert
tossed asunder by the storm
like driftwood on the open sea
rescued by a random shore

when life gave me grapes
I made wine
I lost my pearls
swimming with swine

till I heard a sobering sound
and was dashed out of the delerium
now I hum my mantra all around
spiritus contra spiritum

"Spiritus Contra Spiritum"
by Super_Sigil

2012 - Licensed under
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Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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