Home » People » SackJo22 » "Rest in the Garden"

Rest in the Garden

uploaded: Sun, Jun 5, 2022 @ 9:50 AM last modified: Sun, Jun 5, 2022 @ 5:27 PM  (replace)
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Rest in the Garden


I can see the sun
That way is light
I cannot see a barrier
That way is Light
That way is Home

Find your way home my darling
Find your way home
You can rest in my garden
The journey is long

* * *

I am delighted to mix Duckett for the Pollinators Secret Mixter. He is a great playmate with a vast catalogue of all kinds of sounds to play with. I really dig his vibe! Thank you Duckett for being such a swell ccMixter buddy! You are groovy and I love the tone of your voice.

The theme of this event is dear to my heart. Pollinators — the bees, butterflies and other insects that seed the flora of our earth are critical to the health of our biosphere. Sadly, many of these creatures are endangered, some species even facing extinction.

Monarch Butterflies are one of our valued pollinator species that faces challenges to their populations due to the decimation of their only food source — milkweed. Milkweed grows like a weed, and has been treated as such by farmers, ranchers, developers to the extent that its vast removal has impacted monarch populations to the point of being on the brink of extinction.

I started growing milkweed in my garden several years ago to see if I could entice a monarch butterfly to lay her eggs. It worked. Over the course of a few years, one potted milkweed plant has turned into a small-scale but fully operational butterfly husbandry operation. Right now, we have close to two dozen chrysalids, several of which may emerge today!

Fortunately, through the efforts of many, including fellow backyard butterfly conservationists, monarch butterfly populations are beginning to show signs of growth!

* * *

Duckett drums, percussion, vocals
SackJo22 bass, keyboard, vocals
Sax and trombone via looperman

stems and vocals to be uploaded separately

"Rest in the Garden"
by SackJo22

2022 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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