Imagination Rising Remix Event
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The World Ends

uploaded: Sun, Oct 28, 2018 @ 9:20 AM
Recommends (25)
Today is the day the world ends
The fire’s burning a hole in the sky
As the rain pours it scorches the lands
Razing all that we build, down to the ground

We’re thrown in to a world of chaos
Everything we once loved is gone
How do we come back from this?
How do we move on?

Our hatred keeps the flames alive
They grow stronger as we grow apart
And as I stand with blood on my hands
I can only ask how it came to this

We are the fools
We’re the treacherous ones
There comes a time when we all must die
Today is the day the world ends

"The World Ends"
by MissJudged

2018 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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