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The Rib That Ate The Apple

uploaded: Fri, Mar 3, 2023 @ 3:35 PM
FeaturingMissjudged & The Lovely Boys And Girls
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The Rib That Ate The Apple

The naked man was lost in thought and at first did not see her approaching. As she drew nearer he raised his hand to wave. She waved back and in a voice full of excitement beckoned him to go with her. In the corner of the garden grew a tree and on it were perfectly formed fruits. She moved closer and pulled one of the fruits from the branch and offered it to the man. The rest is all conjecture.

She said come with me and walk into the garden
I’ve something of which you must now partake
It’s the greatest thing I’ve had since I arrived here
It surely is the sweetest of all tastes

It was given to me by a wily creature
Whose shape and form changed as we went to play
He promised he would offer up salvation
It would only take one bite to rule the days.

But the man cried out you are a foolish woman
You have betrayed the trust the old man gave
Don’t worry she replied I have the answer
For my beauty he will soon become enslaved

But the old man overhearing gave his answer
I’m far to wise to be moved by your tricks
Your beauty will not lead me to distraction
No matter all the fine words on your lips

And so despite their naked false ambitions
The two were forced to leave and find their way
From the garden where all things were bathed in sunshine
To a world where everything was dark and grey

"The Rib That Ate The Apple"
by Radioontheshelf

2023 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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