Imagination Rising Remix Event
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MEGAMIX - The Rebirth

uploaded: Sat, Mar 7, 2020 @ 12:45 PM last modified: Sat, Mar 7, 2020 @ 3:33 PM  (add)
FeaturingPanuMoon, MissJudged, Snowflake, frankelmedico, 16FThumaF, samarobryn, MindMapThat, Apoxode, StepaHelix, Javolenus, Reiswerk, JeefSpeed68, TexasRadioFish, Citizen_X0, StellArtWars, abyeditsound, TetrisRocker, MortiFreshman
Recommends (7)


This song started with the idea that I wanted to be absolutely sure I remixed people who I have not remixed recently, who have been showing me support on here. Speck, and Panu come to mind, so they’re in this mix!

I’ll get into the details below but I made sure SeptiHelix and Apoxode appeared on here.

This was an experiment of dropping drums out completely, the middle two songs don’t have drums.

This was a lot of fun! I hope you enjoy. (and lol that I’ve use that IRS voice mail stem three times now)

Done mostly in Sony Acid Studio, final mixdown with Stanton SCS 4DJ.


Track #1 - “Emergency”

Vocals - PanuMoon
Drums most of track - PanuMoon
Drum additions towards half mark - Apoxode
IRS Scam Voice Mail - By TexasRadioFish, used it again hahaha balaned out the vocals just fine though
Piano - JeffSpeed68 from “OutBack”
Overhead mic percussion and blockflute - JeffSpeed68 from “Down Under”
Grindy, grindy bass line - SeptiHelix

What can I say, this was fine. The flutes add a heavy tone of dissonance and desperation to the soundtrack. They are as much of a star of this track as the vocals to me.


Track #2 “The Day The World Ends”

Vocals - MissJudged
By Bells - Citizen XO

By TetrisRocker

By abyeditsound

Clock ticking
By MortiFreshman

This track was basically accidental, I’ll be honest. I wanted to bridge a grap of time between “Very Serious Emergency” and “I’m A Phoenix” with a section of clock ticking and maybe some bells. I stumbled across an ethereal set of bells by Citizen XO. In the first mix? Mesmerizing. I could have gone with just those bells. I wanted to echo the word “time” by finding random vocals with the world, multiple people and just echoing them.

Then I found MissJudged’s pell. Perfection. Absolute perfection. I can see the clouds splitting and something horrifying come through them. I can see the screaming faces of people on the ground. It just fit. It just fit!

Also featured in this track are windstorm sounds and river sounds from my sound packs.


Day 3# “I’m A Phoenix”

I planned on a non percussive track, and I’m happy with this result. It was also a perfect chance to bring in Speck’s wonderful improvisations!

Vocals - Snowflake

Bass, piano and string - Speck

Crackling Fire
By samarobryn

13_Fire in fireplace.wav
By 16FThumaF

road flare ignite burns.wav
by frankelmedico

Also in this track are ocean sounds, hanging windchime sounds and river sounds from my sound packs.


Track #4 “We Rise”

Vocals - Kara Square
Drums 1 - Apoxode!
Drums 2 overlay - Reiswerk
CMajor Celtic music - Javolenus - This was so fun to work with! But I needed more whistle so…

celtic tin whistle (pennywhistle) in d.mp3
By luis_audp

And for the intro…

Riser #42 - Medieval / Witcher
By Ellary

…..and that makes an awesome conclusion to a four track mix!

"MEGAMIX - The Rebirth"
by coruscate

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