by | Loveshadow |
Featuring | God |
length | 6:04 |
BPM | 60 |
Recommends |
Recommends (37) |
Fg = G (m1*m2)/(d^2)
Dedicated to Andreas Ferber for his continued kindness and support over the years, on his big Day 13/07/2012 :-)
media, remix, editorial_pick, bpm_060_065, trackback, in_remix, in_video, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, VBR
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Zep Hurme, rocavaco, Snowflake, short hopper, Numeron, TheDICE, essesq, radiotimes, SackJo22, Alex (AlexBeroza), mandthedband, sLow_starteR, CSoul, musikpirat, Hans Atom (hansatom), Bocrew, Jeris (VJ_Memes), Steven M Bryant (stevieb357), ScOmBer, lazemaze, RizKeyG, J.Lang (djlang59), pyrex, debbizo, colab, CiggiBurns, Donnie Ozone (donnieozone), AndreasF, texasradiofish, FGrn Grn (FFGreen), @nop (Lancefield), Lasswell (lazztunes07), Nethis, othfrk, timberman (Per), cdk, MICHAELJACKSONRADIOITALIA