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Living For the Moment

uploaded: Thu, Dec 18, 2008 @ 4:25 PM
BPM75 i think
Recommends (19)
I have three paintings that my children did for me some years back.

The youngest, only 5 at the time, clearly didn’t think much about the form just let the colours flow and was the most successful where as the older ones you could see had thought about it and tried to craft a representation of a scene. While i loved them too i could see the spontenaiety fading.

Its a shame we lose that free flow of colour, that lets just do it now freedom as we get older.

Which after thinking about these words is why i only took an hour or so to make it and then uploaded it.

Some people dont know
How to really feel
Eyes like ice
And hearts like steel
Just doing their best
Just trying to pay the rent
Living for the Moment.

"Living For the Moment"
by Loveshadow

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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