Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Data: IN Data: OUT

uploaded: Tue, Mar 18, 2008 @ 11:44 AM
Recommends (15)
Took one page off the samples listing and downloaded what ever it gave me.

Spent a few hours with a jigsaw puzzle and lost a few pieces along the way.

Did not think to hard about it all just jammed a little melody and felt it was working. I looped up a few bars. I was going to finish it off with a vocal but stopped and left it open.

I put my Data IN and have put the Data OUT.

I left a fair amount of space so maybe someone else can work it, sing it, rap it, or mix it, or just find a 120 BPM flow to drop onto it. Or even one of those fluid Texan guitar solos Gary Moore Style ;-)

"Data: IN Data: OUT"
by Loveshadow

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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