A recent song I wrote simply to refocus onto that which I feel to be important and true for me.
acappella, media, featured, melody, bpm_120_125, trackback, in_remix, in_video, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, d_major
Recommended by:
panu (panumoon), Snowflake, unreal_dm, mdp, Stephen Fewell (stephenfewell), Alex (AlexBeroza), mumsbassment, Vidian, texasradiofish, colab, septahelix, Darkangel (darkangell), murat ses, Zep Hurme, SackJo22, Jeris (VJ_Memes), George_Ellinas, CSoul, wnm, Wired Ant, Clarence Simpson (casimps1), TheDICE, nolochemical, copperhead, Briareus, djsnuset, Steven M Bryant (stevieb357), Calyman (Lemoneight), Bagalute, smilingcynic, Abstract Audio (Citizen_X0), kristinalpn, Bocrew, Carosone, Mana Junkie, Bluemillenium, VickyDan (Vicky), Rey Izain, keytronic, Citizen C (ChuckBerglund), writersam123, Aussens@iter (tobias_weber), Apoxode, Rewob