Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Music is the gateway

uploaded: Sun, Nov 7, 2010 @ 12:49 AM last modified: Sun, Nov 7, 2010 @ 1:55 AM  (add)
byAbstract Audio
Recommends (21)
A song about (secret) remixes and how the original artists footprint can be found back in the sounds. Really had fun using all the diffrent vocals, they make really great soundFX.

Had a hard time starting with this secret mixter, never made rock or used gitar parts in my music. But when I found my 3 piano & gitar slide stems I build 2 parts as separated song ideas. Then I had a brainwave and thought lets use them togheter as diffrent parts in 1 song. After that I build the rest around and started filling the song with vocals and vocal FX sounds.

Happy trip!

Please add any constructive critism if you have!

"Music is the gateway"
by Abstract Audio

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial Share-Alike (3.0)

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