Home » People » CiggiBurns » "YOU vocal"

YOU vocal

uploaded: Fri, Mar 5, 2010 @ 9:56 AM
FeaturingPanu Moon
Recommends (28)
Something gentle for a lazy weekend, inspired by the beautiful guitar playing of Mr Panu Moon on Ramona demo. Thank you, Panu. xxxx


You came and sat under my apple tree, a friend of a friend
Bringing neither wine nor roses, only something that you’d penned
I’d never been given anything so original before
I found out later it was by Sir Thomas Moore
You feasted in my garden, I never invited you
But you were charming and witty and a damned good screw

You stayed a long while, I couldn’t get rid of you
Singing day and night, you sewed sequins on my shoes
Painted my walls orange, made jelly from my apple tree
But you couldn’t keep a job and were no good for me
I ended that dream of summer, told you to leave one day
But oh your smile turned lead to gold and you were a bloody good lay

"YOU vocal"
by CiggiBurns

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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