Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » Carosone » "Space Journey (be patient..)"

Space Journey (be patient..)

uploaded: Sat, Jan 31, 2009 @ 11:40 AM
FeaturingNarva9, Calendar Girl, Andreas Jaeger, my friend Oxana
Recommends (15)
Part I: humans try to connect to E.T.s by various means:
dialing tone, starship radio communication, then an old
Indian sacred chant, whispered. The last works like magic
and ETs answer. They bring us instantly (part II) to a
galactic lagoon, where our favourite ccmixter sirens appear: CG describes the landscape, narva9
poses her doubts about where we’re going. In the third part
the bass drives us through a corridor ending in a supernova
explosion, described by a guitar solo (Andreas Jaeger as
usual) and a crazy trio answers positively Narva’s

The Indian chant is my friend Oxana through a vocoder, apparently I could not quote a pella under my own name..

"Space Journey (be patient..)"
by Carosone

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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